by Stefan Stenudd
Donald Trump’s 2025 inauguration horoscope![]() After April, it gets kind of boring
Nothing special going onThere’s nothing spectacular going on in Trump’s inauguration horoscope. Actually, that was all in the past months leading up to it. Now, he is headed for a period of drab reality, taking care of presidential duties. He had much more fun campaigning.
Also transit Uranus moves retrograde, away from his MC in the 9th House, making him reconsider what kind of reward – or punishment – the presidency and life in the White House really is. Transit Mars, which has caused public drama when passing over his Saturn and Venus conjunction in the 11th House, is soon leaving in its retrograde movement. It was still there at the time of the inauguration, but weakened by being retrograde. Still, it indicates the calamity by which he has started this his second presidency. But the inauguration forms the end of the dramatic presidential race. Very soon, it’s getting calmer for Trump, which he might find kind of boring.
The drama recommencesBut not for very long. Early in February, transit Saturn forms a square aspect to Uranus in Trump’s birth chart. That shows complications for his leadership, due to obligations towards partners or allies, such as the congress and NATO nations. There is uncertainty, even distrust between them.Also, Mars ends its retrograde movement later in February, which will start to intensify things publicly for him. Emotions get heated. At the end of March, transit Mars is again over Donald Trump’s Saturn and Venus conjunction. Calamity returns. At that time, transit Uranus has returned to his MC, inspiring him to again find meaning to his role. He enjoys crisis more than comfort, so he rolls up his sleeves. This is enhanced by transit Saturn in his 7th House forming a sextile aspect to his MC and a trine to his Saturn. That indicates he gets respect for how he handles his duties towards partners or allies. The aspects are positive, so it seems he will manage well, but success will come a little later – in mid-April, when Jupiter returns to his Uranus, sun, and Moon Node in the 10th House, bringing good fortune to his leadership. These things happen early in his presidency, mainly in March and April, but they are likely to set the tone for it. And the signs are good for him. He should be pleased, and probably will be.
Calm after the first few monthsIt’s a gargantuan task to astrologically go through the four years of Donald Trump’s presidency, but I have glanced some at it and not come across something as remarkable as the first few months at his job.There might be, but the important planets are mostly far away from the ones in his birth chart, which indicates that in general the rest of his presidency will be rather uneventful. To him, maybe even disappointing. A few things are still worth mentioning. Mid-October of his first year at the office, Jupiter passes over the Saturn and Venus conjunction in his 11th House. It turns to retrograde at that position, mid-November, and passes over it anew around the 1st of June 2026. This long-lasting conjunction mainly increases his popularity with the general public. This is enhanced by the late October 2025 return of transit Saturn’s trine to the same two planets in Trump’s 11th House, an aspect that will remain the rest of the year due to Saturn finishing its retrograde movement at that spot. How he deals with partners and allies continues to impress. It is peculiar and noteworthy that both Jupiter and Saturn make their return from a retrograde movement right where they form aspects with the important conjunction in the 11th House – the House that stands for public life. It indicates that these events are indeed significant to his presidency and reputation. These aspects are quite rare. It will take Jupiter around 12 years to return to that spot, and for Saturn it’s almost 30 years.
The rarest of transitsThe most rare transit events are with Neptune and Pluto, since the former takes more than 160 years to traverse the Zodiac and the latter almost 250 years. It means that any of their aspects happens only once in a lifetime, and some never.Donald Trump has two such transits happening in the time of his presidency, one with Neptune and one with Pluto. And they are connected: both involve Neptune in his birth chart. Mid-February 2027, transit Pluto forms a trine aspect with Neptune in Trump’s 2nd House. It lasts until late December, but its influence may very well last longer. Pluto moves in Trump’s 6th House, which governs his work. A drastic and important change in it stimulates his ideas and dreams regarding his personal resources. He might at length make more money than even he dreamed of, or gain control of assets that had earlier seemed uncertain. It doesn’t necessarily have to do with money, it could be power in any other form. And with Neptune involved, it can all be illusion. On the other hand, some illusions tend to become quite real. The same year, 2027, starting in mid-May, transit Neptune forms an opposition aspect with Trump’s natal Neptune. This aspect remains until late March 2028. Transit Neptune moves in Trump’s 8th House, which deals with things out of his control, such as what is inherited from parents and other relatives – genetically as well as financially. It is also the House of death. Considering his age at this point, it could very likely be about what he will leave behind – how his fortune is to be distributed and how his businesses will be controlled. He really doesn’t want to lose any control, but circumstances may threaten to lead to just that. With transit Neptune in Aries, it can be rather dramatic. Also, during most of this period, Pluto has its above mentioned trine with Trump’s natal Neptune. In sum, it seems that he gets involved in protecting his resources of whatever kind – maybe even scheming to increase them. It may turn out to be futile at length, but Donald Trump is not the one to give up on his dreams.
The 2029 inaugurationDonald Trump was not that into a peaceful transfer of power in 2021, when he lost it to Joe Biden. So, how will he handle it in 2029? The constitution doesn’t allow him to remain, not even to be a candidate for the 2028 election. But he is not famous for going by the book.Still, his horoscope for the 2029 inauguration, where he is to transfer his power to someone else, indicates no particular drama for him.
His Pluto in the 12th House has two sextile aspects – one to transit Uranus in retrograde in his 10th House, and one to transit Mars in his 2nd House. Both indicate that he willingly steps down, though not without making some noise. Natal Mars, also in his 12th House, points in the same direction by its sextile to transit Jupiter in the 2nd House. It says that he leaves as a winner. Just a couple of months later, in the end of March 2029, transit Pluto in his 6th House forms an opposition to Trump’s natal Pluto in the 12th House. It shows a drastic and lasting change in his work. That would no doubt be the case after the presidency. At the same time his Pluto also has a square aspect to transit Saturn in the 9th House, which shows a necessary change of habitat – like having to leave the White House. Both Pluto and Mars are grave planets, and the opposition as well as the square are demanding aspects. So, for Trump the transition is difficult, even painful, and very much like an ending of more than a public office, albeit that of the highest in the land – if not the world.
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Stefan Stenudd![]() About meI'm a Swedish astrologer, author and historian of ideas, researching ancient thought and mythology. My personal website: